A Lazy Boxing Day ramblings
Posted by Lakshmi
Christmas was celebrated in style with my Christmas pudding flambe (d) with whiskey! Ha, now that was something I had never done before and for a first timer, lighting the liquor was a panicky moment but one which I actually carried out with aplomb ( praise, praise!) Everyone had a slice with custard sauce over it.
The run-up to Christmas was, of course, tiring. Shopping trips to KL CC and The Gardens was quite a chore, not so for my kids though.I'm not a shopping person per se and it was all a rushed and tedious chore. Leave me in quite bookshop with a cup of tea and that will make my day anytime.
One of the most Christmassy moments was meeting Anne, my youngest sister-in-law. It's almost been 10 years or so I think since I had last met her. I was so overwhelmed when I met her a few days before Christmas. Sweet Jesus! I had tears of joy literally flowing from my eyes. I was genuinely glad that she was 'back in the fold' so to speak. And, to top it all, I got the most fabulous gift from Anne- a true blue Wedgewood tea set for 4 !. All the years of yearning and looking at the many many English tea pots in the many many fancy outlets was fulfilled out of the blue by Anne, bless her. Oh, I forgot to mention that she gave a beautiful pair of earrings too !. My, my, I never had it soooo goood. Not even from my husband. Now, is that something or what? And you know what I did? I set the table for myself , on Christmas day,no less,( my children wanted out,imagine that) made myself a pot of peach tea and had a good cuppa in my spanking new Wedgewood cup! Now that's what you call 'having tea'. Enid Blyton would have been proud of me, no doubt.
One of the highlights of the December months was attending the wedding of Pauline's son, Austin. It was a poolside wedding affair at her home and it was a truly beautiful ceremony. Pauline is a dear friend and an ardent fan of my folk art paintings and as a wedding gift, I gave the young couple a painted English garden scene with their couples name on it. I don't know about the son but Pauline sure loved it very much and asked me to paint another one for her sister-in-law. I had a great time doing it. I feel very much in my element when I paint and the finished piece always gives me a great feeling of pride and joy.
I'm now gettting ready for my first holiday trip to Bali on the 28th and have to sign off now. Till then, Good night and sleep tight. Hello Bali Hai....
February 6, 2009 at 11:44 PM