My Baking Giveaways !!
Posted by Lakshmi
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
I've been baking away mufffins and more muffins, from chocolate to blueberries and bran and thus had to put aside my painting for a while.
And just when I had thought that I had baked enough muffins to go round the world, I had to make more. I'm thoroughly sick of them but my kids and friends keeping eating them anyway. It's quite easy to make and there's nothing complicating about it. I make a basic mix and then add a variety of different flavours for each batch. It's either chocolate or chocolate chips, ( lots ) or sultanas or frozen blueberries or grated carrots or even zucchini - whatever I have in my pantry. ( that's what tired and seasoned people do, I think ) My son, Arvind, takes it to school every single day and he eats half a dozen or more at each sitting while watching TV............ ! Luckily his basketball craze keeps him off the flab. Can't say the same for me though !
My chocolate muffins.............................................................
Blueberry muffins
And my own special one - sultanas and carrots ..... before I got sick of all of them............................
I'm back to my painting again !
Happy reading and painting
March 2, 2011 at 11:45 PM
wow!it must be delicious!may i have one teacher Lakshmi?hehe
March 3, 2011 at 12:12 AM
Hi Siti,
singgah rumah I anytime . I'll make a fresh batch just for u lah !!!
March 3, 2011 at 10:44 AM
Hello Ms Lakshmi ....
i really miss your wide smile and shrieking laughter, lost my handphone and thus lost your number and i really dont really remember your blog address and now i found you again !!
the southern girl- Zeaiana
March 3, 2011 at 12:45 PM
Hi Zeaiana
Was wondering what happened to u just a few days ago!! v must hv communicated by telepathy! How are u.... I put yr beautiful photogenic face in my leaflet. Hope u don't sue me for not asking yr approval first.... ha ha ! When r u coming to KL....?
Wat's yr email dear?
March 3, 2011 at 5:07 PM
yep i must sue you so i can seize all your art work lah!
nanti i cek ya...havent had the time to read ur blog and see what u've been doing lately.
but ur muffin looks yummy, i must come and visit you lah.
u take care ya.
p/s email is