April Showers
Posted by Lakshmi
Sunday 10 April 2011
Between doing the rounds giving demonstration on Folk & Decorative Painting and conducting classes, I managed to do these two paintings ..................
A better view of the painted window . Ms Ana of Sg Buloh requested this picket fencing stile design .................................................. A good way to recyle and reuse the old old 'kampung' house door/verandah windows
The picture below is my gift to Ms Salmah Hassan after I tasted her Nasi Briyani !
These are pictures of my students at 3C community centre ................... Ms Murali concentrating on her goose doorstand ( pictured above )
Ms Vasantha's handiwork on her first class at my home
Ms Chen and Ms Vasanti at 3 C
A happy student .......... I think !
Kak Sal, my oldest student so far............ and who puts in so much effort in her work. The picture shows Kak Sal enjoying a cupcake which I had baked at home and shared it with my 3C community students
Ms Airene, a teacher at SMK Sunway who teaches Special Children, attending my class. She is part of the GOLD teaching staff
That's all for now. I have a lot more things to write but it's past 12.15am now and I'm almost falling off my chair .............. Goodnight
Happy reading and painting
April 11, 2011 at 10:50 AM
I am so jealous....I miss your class!