Syahida from Johore Bahru and Bake - Sale
Posted by Lakshmi
Sunday 24 April 2011
Well, for a start, I was invited to give a motivational talk to a group of youngsters , which I did with much gusto ! Then I had a baking session with my good friend, Yati , and baked some lovely chocolate cupcakes and iced them too, for a bake-sale, proceeds of which I used for a school student who needed a pair of spectacles.
Next, I had a great time teaching Ms Syahida ( Syahidasrosecottage.blogspot ) who had come all the way from Johor Bahru to attend a 1 day beginner's class at my home. It really was great fun teaching Syahida. How would I describe Syahida ? A warm, friendly and unassuming lady with a passion for learning, a lady whose house is surrounded by pots and pots of beautiful roses - the real ones, that is, all lovingly grown and tendered by her great sense of beauty and her 'green fingers ', ( visit her blogspot to check it out ) a true blue decorative painting student who did not mind travelling all the way from down south just to learn how to paint ! What more can I say other than - Welcome, welcome welcome dearest Syahida !
Here are some pictures of Syahida during the class . I especially like her beautiful smile........
A very happy Syahida
Isn't Syahida beautiful ? ( and her painting too)
My good friend and baking partner, Yati,helping to decorate the cupcakes for the bake-sale
Some of the iced cupcakes for the bake sale
Very colourful indeed but that's what was
wanted. I think they look bright and
This is Sangeeta, a 10A student
of the recent SPM exam, learning
to paint while waiting for a university placing
Kak Nor, an entrepreneurial
Shell petrol station dealer/owner who finds much pleasure in taking time off her busy and demanding work schedule to come and ' let go off my stress and headache ' (quote from Kak Nor herself ).
A cup of tea and my baked cakes also helps, I think !
Well, my classes always ends with lots of tea and cakes and good natured laughter comparing the painted pieces. So, welcome to our ' club ' ladies...................................................
Happy painting and reading
May 6, 2011 at 4:35 PM
¡Qué maravillas!
Tiene que ser una suerte ser alumna tuya.