Sunny Sunflowers in May
Posted by Lakshmi
Friday, 20 May 2011
I have been kept quite busy with my various classes, volunteer work and baking and so I did not have time to update my students' paintings. Adding to it was my computer crashdown and so that further stalled my updates.
So while my computer was sent for fixing, I had some time to read the dailies and what I read didn't make me feel any better ...........................
First on the list was the ugly clippets of lewd video shots published in some of the so called 'national dailies' . Seriously, have the dailies come that low that they can print these in the public media and get away with it inspite of the mind-boggling number of laws we have in Malaysia ? I remember reading an article by a well known Malaysian journalist that our country is now well known the world over for sex related crimes more than anything else..........from the highest politician to the lowest ones................ all one has to do is to google the word and out pops secular/Islamic Malayisa in all her glory ! rrggghhh ! What a disgrace ..... what an ignominy ! . Our school students need not look any further when learning Science and likewise, the Malaysian Education Department need not bother on debating the merits and demerits of how to teach Reproductive Science in schools . The politicians are doing it free of charge and the tabloids have detailed notes practically everyday for their (students) reading pleasure.
Following that closely was the Master of all MCPs and MP, Ibrahim Ali who said he's ready for a religious crusade against Malaysian Christians, accusing Christian leaders of plotting to install one of their own as prime minister. If it wasn't so funny, I would have really " hantam ed " him for his sheer stupidity and arrogance . That man sure has nothing between his ears and he keeps reminding me of the adage - Wise man have something to say; Fools have to say something - how very appropriate for him !
Then Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Hollywood star and ex California Governor had his marriage of 25 years wrecked by him supposedly having a child with his housekeeper ........................Hmmm, this is an international disease and goes quite viral the world over. Similar tales of stupidity are a plenty in our shores too, wouldn't you say ? The list goes on and it makes depressing reading, so enough said.............................
Thank God, I have things to occupy myself with. Imagine what I'd end up as, if I continue to read the news, phew !
Now, for some pleasant news and updates, Mandy from Sarawak came again for class and this time, brought her Aunt Abby along.......................
This picture, although not fully done yet, was taken hurriedly as Mandy and her Aunt Abby were rushing off for a family gathering. The sunflowers painting instructions can be found in Ross Stallcup's books
Abby working on her duck paper towel holder
Abby with her finished painting. She was all set to "show off " her artwork to her family !
And lastly, this is sweet Shaliza, a dedicated teacher from SMK Kelana Jaya who found me via my blog, of course !. Very meticulous , organised and systematic in her work but so soft spoken . Good traits for a teacher, ya ! Happy Teachers' Day , Shaliza
That's all for now
Happy reading and painting
June 10, 2011 at 4:31 AM
Llevaba un tiempo sin pasarme por tu blog, pero como de costumbre todo bellísimo, la admiro como profesora.