Lifestyle in Art
Posted by Lakshmi
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I took up drawing on a whim and surprised myself in the process. Had lots of fun and bad hair days as well. Slowly but surely I began to enjoy the tedious learning process and couldn't stop myself. It became quite addictive , in a positive way, of course ! and every other minute of my free time was spent on drawing and redrawing and more until I became angry with myself for not getting the perfect strokes and my kids getting upset for not spending any time with them. Came a time then when my kids accused me of putting my art accomplishments- as I am wont to describe them!- being more important to me than them. How silly kids are!
Interestingly too, I began to discover qualities in me that I never really knew existed. For example, I wanted perfection in every leaf and petal . I got extremely stressed when that didn't happen after the 1st and 3rd stroke! What started off as something to occupy my free time began to occupy me. Drawing till dawn was not uncommon and sleep didn't seem to matter either.
I began to appreciate nature and I mean r e a l l y appreciate each and every leaf , tree , sky, clouds,stars,sea, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. What I described before as just " oh its beautiful" became " Oh God! how very beautiful"